The Feel da Bounce Vol. 12 event is organized by ASD FEEL DA BOUNCE SCHOOL and is a recognized event by MSP ITALIA, open exclusively to its members and ASD and SSD affiliated with any sports promotion body recognized by CONI (Sport e Salute). Consequently, every participant agrees to accept the regulations of the contest, internal rules, and statutes of the Asd Feel da Bounce School, as well as the regulations of its promoting body, MSP ITALIA. Athletes wishing to participate individually without being represented by an ASD and/or SSD must request membership to the Asd Feel da Bounce School at the time of registration, including insurance coverage. If they do not, the Asd Feel da Bounce School is absolved from any civil or criminal liability directly or indirectly related to their participation in the event.

The organizers of the Feel Da Bounce Vol. 12 contest reserve the right to film, record, and broadcast on television, either in part or in full, the performances of participants, along with their image and name, using television, radio, and multimedia means. The participant grants the organizers all rights to any economic and commercial use of their performances, image, and name from the event, in any form or manner, in whole or in part, without any time, broadcast, language, method, or space limitations, with the freedom to transfer these rights to third parties without needing further authorization from the participant. Every contestant, or their legal representative, upon registration, waives any copyright or performance rights and any claim to compensation.


Participants in the contest, or their representatives, declare they are in good health and robust constitution as per medical certificates in their possession. Those who register commit to sending the relevant documentation to the organizers as soon as possible. The Organizer also declines all responsibility for any damage to property or persons that may occur during the various stages of the event, whether suffered or caused by the participants in the contest or their companions.

Participation in the contest implies unconditional acceptance of these regulations and any additional rules that the organizers may introduce, which will have the same value as the regulations themselves. In case of non-compliance with the provisions of these regulations, the organizers may also decide to expel the participant from the contest. In such an event, the participant is not entitled to any refund or compensation.

Regarding the conformity of the registration, the organizers will carry out checks on the received registrations. Any anomaly, even if found during the competition phases, will be promptly considered by the Organizing Committee. In the event that a registration does not comply with the regulations, the secretariat is not obliged to refund the fee paid. In case of non-participation in the contest due to reasons not attributable to the organizers, for withdrawal or other, there will be no right to any refund of the fee or any expenses incurred.

Extraordinary Decisions: For matters not covered by these regulations, all decisions shall rest with the artistic direction of the organization.

The Organizing Committee is authorized to collect and use (unless written dissent is provided) the personal data provided by each participant for promotional, informational, and statistical purposes in accordance with current laws.

All participants under the age of 18 must be authorized by their parents or legal guardians, who, by signing the release, assume full responsibility for the participation, care, and custody of the minor throughout the event, absolving the organization of any liability.

Participation implies approval of these regulations in their entirety.

Choreographies must be original and created with the intention of involving all members of the group in the performance, avoiding situations with solo dancers and a dance corps;

Each group must consist of at least 4 members.